Like cooking with seasonings, quality sex is inseparable from the help of ancillary tools, but many women don’t know the other half when buying sex toys! People who use sex toys more than people who do not use sex toys. Sex partners have a higher quality of sexual life and are more emotionally intimate.
1. Sex toys are used by people who have or do not have sex.
Truth: Anyone can use sex toys. Studies have shown that people who have sex are more likely to use love dolls than those who do not have sex. About 20-30% of people will use at least one disposable toy in a lifetime. Sex toys are not a straw or panacea, but simply a complement to sex games.
2, sex toys will be addictive
Truth: Addiction means some kind of harm. However, using sex toys will not hurt you (as long as they are used correctly). Some may rely on the use of sex doll, but there is no need to kill and anyone can easily return to sexual activity with sex toys or sexual partners who do not use sex toys I can do it.
3, men only use sex toys.
Truth: When people think of men and sex toys, there are men in their minds who buy masturbation tools and then masturbate while watching AV in the basement. But the truth about men and sex toys is that millions of men are using them, whether they’re involved or single.
The best way for men to become better lovers is to understand their sexual response. Masturbation is an important way to learn how to control your body, whether or not a sex doll is used. The use of Real Doll does not mean that this man is a “loser”. He is actually very smart and will perform well in bed. He is interested in sex and pays more attention to skills.
5, sex toys make sex unnatural
Truth: We have heard many false statements about gender. One of them is that it only means contact with the body. If you use pencil and paper, is it true that the picture is natural? Of course not. If we use tools and toys to make it more interesting and not make sex unnatural, sex toys are our imagination, not battery stock 6YE Dolls
6, some sex toys are good, some are bad
Truth: In addition to those who are likely to cause danger, sex toys are good or bad. Love Doll is all about how we use it. A vibrator may be too strong for someone, but it may be perfect for others. The trick is to find a sex toy that suits you. Most sex toys are liked by some people, and some don’t like them.
John J. Simmons